1972年教育修正案第九条(20 U.S.C. § 1681) is an all-encompassing federal law that prohibits discrimination 以性别为基础 of students and employees of educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance. 第九条如下:
在美国没有人, 应, 以性别为基础, 被排除在…之外, 被剥夺…的利益, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance…” 第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972, 及其实施条例在34摄氏度.F.R. 第106部分(第九条).
皇冠体育 does not tolerate discrimination of any kind in any context. We are committed to empowering students who experience gender discrimination or other forms of gender-based violence to pursue disciplinary, 刑事, 以及民事诉讼,如果他们选择这样做的话.
If you are a member of the 皇冠体育 community and have experienced harassment or discrimination you have options 支持.
FYI: No disciplinary action will be taken against you by 皇冠体育 for violating campus conduct policy regarding alcohol or drug use if you are reporting an act of gender-based violence.
Anyone or group related to 皇冠体育 who believes there has been an act of discrimination 以性别为基础 against any person or group in a program or activity that receives financial assistance may file a complaint under 第九条. The person or organization filing the complaint need not be a victim of the alleged discrimination but may be affected by a general "hostile sexual environment" or complain on behalf of another person or group. A complaint should be sent to the office that serves the state in which the alleged discrimination occurred. You can file a complaint to the 第九条 staff at 皇冠体育 by using the sexual misconduct report form.
第九条 Coordinator, Director of 学生的行为 and Conflict Resolution
电话号码: 763-488-0229
地点:ES 118F
电子邮件: 埃尔顿.dahn@qujingsl.com
电话: 763-424-0736
电子邮件: 林赛.fort@qujingsl.com
Deputy 第九条 Coordinator, Interim Human Resources Director
地点:ES 31
电话: 763-424-0966
瑞恩 (强奸、虐待 & 乱伦全国性侵犯网络
National 24-hour helpline for sexual assault survivors. Assist in directing people to local services and will speak with persons in crisis. 去 www.瑞恩.org 或致电1-800-656-4673 (HOPE).
心理健康危机热线- 24小时待命
安诺卡县| 763-755-3801
卡弗和斯科特县| 952-442-7601
达科塔县| 952-891-7171
亨内平县(COPE) -成人| 612-596-1223
亨内平县(COPE) -儿童| 612-348-2233
拉姆齐县:成人 651-266-7900
拉姆齐县-儿童| 651-774-7000
〇华盛顿郡 651-777-5222
文本 MNHELP 至898-211 (TXT211)或致电 211.
民权办公室 | 1 - 800 -美国学习
明尼苏达州人权部 |651-539-1100
第九条 protects students at the institution from discrimination 以性别为基础 in all educational programs and activities at the college (第九条, 20 U.S.C. § 1681 C). 这包括基于怀孕的歧视, 分娩, 终止妊娠, 或者从这些情况中恢复过来. 进一步, 学生不应该受到骚扰, 机会, 或者因为怀孕而得不到帮助. 第九条 prohibits a school from apply any rule related to a student’s parental, 家庭, or marital status that treats students differently based on their sex.
Reasonable accommodations will be made in conjunction with the student and instructor, 可能会根据需要而有所不同, and a student’s absences will be excused due to pregnancy or 分娩 under 第九条 as long as the student’s doctor deems the absence medically necessary. We recommend a student works with their instructors and the college as soon as you are able as a notification is required to receive accommodations. 如果您需要帮助,请联系 保健中心 支持.
The Mother’s Room (Lactation Space) is a space that is accessible to parents who need space to feed children, 表达牛奶, 或者使用泵. Individuals needing access to the Mother’s Room (Lactation Space) may contact Student Life or 公共安全 at 763-424-0807.
科学中心-(SC) 109A
Gender is a protected class under 第九条 of the Educational Amendments. 歧视 based on a student’s gender identity, including transgender identity is prohibited. 皇冠体育 is committed to not exclude, 拒绝给予福利, or otherwise treat individuals differently on the basis of gender or sex. It is important to have a safe, inclusive and comfortable campus environment. Should a community member experience gender discrimination, 他们可以联系第九条协调员, 埃尔顿Dahn, or the Associate Vice President for Equity and Inclusion, Eda瓦.
All campus single restrooms are gender neutral restrooms and they are located in the following buildings: CBT, 班, ES, 荣誉奖, 和SC. 看到 构建地图 对于特定位置.
皇冠体育 is required to follow the Federal 第九条 regulations (34 C.F.R. 部分106.45 (b) (10) (i) (D)), which requires institutions of higher education that receive federal funds, publicly post all materials used to train 第九条 personnel at the College. NHCC will continue to update this site to the extent necessary to comply with 第九条 and the regulations.
The 第九条 regulations require noting trainings effective August 14, 2020. The list below does include a training prior to August 14, 2020, that relate to the implementation of the 2020 第九条 regulations. All materials will be kept by the institution for seven (7) years. Below is training received by the 第九条 Coordinator, 调查人员, 决策者, 和/或非正式解决方案的推动者.
- 第九条 Coordinator Training, 明尼苏达州, September 27, 2023
- 提交材料: 标题IX协调员培训_20230927.pdf
- Student Informal Resolutions, 明尼苏达州, June 16, 2022
- 提交材料: 非正式决议201220616.pdf
- 1B1 Investigator Training, 明尼苏达州 November 17, 2022
- 提交材料: 1B1调查员培训_20221117.pdf
- 1B3 Decision Maker Training, 明尼苏达州, November 3, 2022
- 提交材料: 调查员培训_20221103.pdf
- 1B1 Decisionmaker Training, 明尼苏达州, February 18, 2021
- 提交材料: 1B1决策者-劳动关系20210218.pdf
- 非正式决议过程刷新和Q & A,明尼苏达州立大学,穆尔黑德